War is cruel, war is stupid, war is crazy, war is idiot, war is bla bla bla. See these victims!!!The officers of the SS Mountain Division 'Prinz Eugen' was to identify the body of the Yugoslav partisans who had shot dead a few moments before
Sturmgeschütz III of the SS Division 'Hohenstaufen' crosses the body of their comrades and the remains of previous battles. It seems the battle is far from over because the soldier who was killed is still not moved from where he died!
A low officer (NCO) SS intends to destroy a Russian T-34 tanks with hand grenades alone. Unfortunately he was killed before its successful trigger. The work accomplished by Sturmgeschütz German who happened to be there. In this picture we can see the whole set of components that build this event: The body of a poor NCO was in a hurry to move by his friends from the battlefield; T-34 that emit smoke after a landslide hit, and the real killer of T- 34: StuG!
Not strong enough to resist the attacks of the Soviet army, the SS troops eventually surrendered. Forests are messy enough as evidence of how fierce the fighting that occurred before, do not also forget the corpses of their friends (SS) who was killed in battle, strewn everywhere!
SS troops in this car was ambushed by U.S. soldiers, and a barrage of machine gun kills the entire passenger car
For the sake of helping his friends who attempt to escape from the siege of the Allied forces at Argentan-Falaise pocket (1944), Unterscharführer of SS Panzer Division 1st "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" is staying behind to put a halt to the enemy. His fate was to be expected, and he was killed by Canadian troops on August 16, 1944...
The bodies of the SS soldiers are strewn on the battlefield. War is cruel, General!
This one is a young soldier from the machine gun team member SS Panzer Division 12th "Hitlerjugend", who was killed near a ditch in the Malon, Normandy, July 9, 1944
Results from air raids by Allied planes on convoys SS Panzer Division of the 2nd "Das Reich" at Mortain
The body of SS storm trooper who was killed in the 1944-1945 winter
The remains of two machine gun crew were killed in pathetic scene: baked in the upper part of the Panzerkampfwagen V Panther machine. From the expression of this poor soldier, we can guess how horrible the last moments before his death picked him up! Wait a minute ... Two? Feeling the photo above was just one person? The answer is look down, Bro!
Well, from this angle we can clearly see the second person of this machine gun crew. His body is more pathetic, because most of it was burnt like charcoal, which is caused by a very hot fire. I can’t imagine in the next world, where the heat of hell a million times hotter than this!
I do not know what kind of explosives power that destroy this Sturmgeschütz Ausf. G. More importantly, one of its crew is thrown out and stuck in the barrel cannon blast because the explosive effect! Note also that burst StuG steel layer is totally wrecked that the inside can be seen from the outside!!!
Well, this is a close-up photograph of the poor StuG crew...
Apparently the pilot was thrown out when the aircraft Junkers Ju 87 'Stuka' stuck in the swamp after being exposed by the enemy’s fire. What is clear, both is in recumbent position!
Obviously we can see the pain in this front of German soldiers. Panzerfaust and bullet belt lying on his side
These soldiers deserve crowned into the Guinness Book world record book! Why? Because of possibility that he is the first German soldier killed in World War II, precisely dated September 1, 1939. He was killed in battle fighting on Hill 179 near Chojnice, the border between Poland by some Germany
The body of the pict above are not a dead American soldier, but the body of a German Grenadier wearing GI uniforms and equipment. He was one of Otto Skorzeny's men who was shot dead at Hotton on 26 December 1944, one round in the Battle of the Bulge
This German soldier who died in this battle came from the Infanterie-Regiment 76. He was laid in a stretcher before it was buried near the church in Andrzejewo, September 1939
German soldiers became victims of bomb blast in the battle at Wolchow
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
War World Victim's Pict!!!
Written by
Rifqi Hidayat
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