Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Fun Studying



“I’m lazy, I won’t attend the English class. It’s really really boring!!!”
“Oh man, it’s hard! I don’t understand. Why the heck is this part so difficult?”
“What? Math? No thanks, I’m sick of it, it drives me crazy.”

Every now and then, we hear those statements really often, even from our own mouth. Whenever we felt a lesson is really difficult to understand. Not only in Math lesson, but also in every lesson that round our brain like a hurricane and strike it as a thunderstorm. Actually the lesson is not as hard as we thought, but we cannot think smoothly because we are so pessimistic about it. There are some reason others that.

Here I am want to help you how to solve the problem and learn everything much faster than before. Although this article is just about studying, I am sure it can be used on another problem as well because all ways of studying are basically same. I do hope it will be useful for us.

Study Analysis

Actually, if we look closely to the problem above, we can understand the real reasons that cause it. Here are some of the funniest reasons I found:

1. Studying in the class is boring
Believe it or not, studying is in the second rank of “the most boring thing in this world” after waiting. It is because most of teachers in this world do not give their student some times for being active in the class. They only let the students listen to their speeches on the chairs and order them to write. That is really horrible. They do not realize that students feel bored and hope of crushing the class as soon as possible just to get out of that hell of boring.

2. Studying alone is even more boring
After being bored in the class, any student will feel desperate. I am pretty sure that actually from the bottom of their heart, they really want to study and be clever like the rest of their friends. So they will think that they should study alone in their homes. But studying alone is more boring than studying in the classroom because no one there to ask to when they need helps. It makes them more and more desperate. And finally, they will give up and stop like a very pity chick that separated from its parents.

3. Not doing anything is the most boring thing
If the students finally given up studying, they will feel even more bored of not doing anything. They will try to find another thing to do to spend their zero time whatever it is. Playing games, reading comics, browsing, watching TV, listening music, or the worst: sleeping. Maybe it is OK as long as what they do is a positive works. But what will happen if they do something else, I mean something negative, beating their friends, bullying, hanging out without any destination, wrecking the house, or even stealing. We should never let this happen forever and ever or some people are going to be hurt.

Problem Solving

If we take a good look of the reasons above, we can understand the main culprit of the problems: boring. As we can see, boring can mess up everything including our very own hobby. We may like football, but one day we will feel that football is boring and we will not like it anymore. So, how to make studying fun?

First thing first, we should know something fun, something that can make us feel happy. Secondly, combine that fun thing with studying. Example in learning English, we can study English through English-based comics, or English-based films, English-based games, or every fun thing we can mix with. It will result a very great effect in our mood, and whenever we feel in a good mood we can study happily even though studying is boring. Here is the formula I realize about it:

Boring Thing + Fun Thing = Fun Thing

So, basically all boring thing can be a fun thing if we mix it with another fun thing. In example, we can make waiting be more fun if we mix it with some fun mobile games and the waiting will bore no more. That is why I said that this article can be used not only in studying but also in another matter as well.


It has been years since we born in this world. We should realize that there are a lot of boring things in this world and they can destroy our happy life and we cannot escape of them. So the only thing we can do is confront them with full force we have and manipulate it for our advantage. Just remember the formula and I am sure everyone can do this and success.

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Terima Kasih Pahlawanku


JASMERAH – Jangan melupakan sejarah *Soekarno*

Tempo hari seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia bersuka cita merayakan hari kemerdekaannya, hari dimana negara yang dulunya dikuasai oleh negara sana dan sini akhirnya berhasil bebas dari cengkeraman penjajahan. Berkat perjuangan tanpa henti dari pahlawan-pahlawan yang dengan gigih bergerak demi kita, anak-cucunya.

“Jangan melupakan sejarah”, demikianlah salah satu nasehat yang ditinggalkan presiden pertama kita. Jika kita bawa kepada konteks kemerdekaan, maka nasehat ini bisa diartikan “jangan melupakan jasa para pahlawan”. Walaupun mereka mungkin tidak pernah minta diingat, tidak pernah minta dihargai, dan bahkan tidak pernah minta diberi gelar pahlawan. Namun apakah pantas jika kita, anak-cucunya, yang mendapatkan kemerdekaan karena jasa mereka, tidak mengingat mereka, tidak menghargai mereka, dan tidak mempahlawankan mereka? Cuma orang TOLOL, EGOIS, dan TAK BERKEMANUSIAAN yang melakukan hal tersebut.
*Ya Tuhan, lindungilah kami dari ketololan, keegoisan, ketidak berkemanusiaan, dan sifat jelek lainnya. Amin*

Lantas, bagaimana cara mengaplikasikan nasehat diatas? Apa cukup dengan mengingat saja? Menghargai saja? Atau memberi gelar pahlawan saja? Tentu tidak.

Banyak tulisan yang membahas tentang ini. Sebagian mengatakan bahwa caranya adalah dengan tidak menyia-nyiakan kemerdekaan ini, dan memaksimalkan segala sesuatu yang kita kerjakan saat ini. Bagi yang pelajar belajarlah semaksimal mungkin, agar ilmu pengetahuannya berguna bagi negara. Bagi tentara perkuatlah diri semaksimal mungkin, agar kekuatannya berguna bagi negara. Bagi ulama bimbinglah umatnya semaksimal mungkin, agar umat bimbingannya berguna bagi negara. DST.

Saran ini bagus, dan saya sangat sepakat dengan hal tersebut. Selain itu masih banyak pula pendapat lain tentang cara mengisi kemerdekaan hasil perjuangan para pahlawan ini, dan saya pun punya opini sendiri.

Bagi saya, menghargai pahlawan pada masa kemerdekaan adalah dengan menghargai pahlawan-pahlawan saya sekarang. Saya punya banyak pahlawan pribadi, ibu saya, ayah saya, adik-adik saya, sahabat-sabahat saya, guru-guru, sayasenior-senior saya, dan semuanya yang berperan besar dalam mengembangkan dan membimbing saya, semua adalah pahlawan.

Ibu mengajarkan saya untuk sabar dalam setiap cobaan, ayah mengajarkan saya untuk kuat menghadapi segalanya, adik saya adalah pendorong untuk berlari lebih cepat, sahabat saya selalu menemani dalam keadaan susah dan senang saya, para guru adalah mereka yang selalu bersabar dan berbaik hati mewariskan ilmu kepada saya, senior adalah pihak yang mengarahkan saya ketika saya masih bego. Semua adalah pahlawan.

Jika saya berhasil di mata pahlawan yang ada di hadapan saya sekarang, saya pasti bisa berhasil di mata mereka yang ada di masa lalu. Sebaliknya jika di mata pahlawan masa kini saja saya gagal, mengecewakan, dan membuat malu mereka, apalagi bagi pahlawan di masa lalu.
*Ya Tuhan, bantulah kami untuk menjadi pribadi yang membanggakan bagi para pahlawan kami*

Ini menurut saya, apa anda sependapat dengan saya? Atau punya pendapat lain? Silahkan.

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